
First off, welcome! It's nice to meet you.
We would love to get to know you!
If you're curious to know what we're about, here's a quick sneak peek:
Our heart is to be a church that is reaching the non-Christian.
We believe the most important thing for a church to do, is not the programs it offers for Christians, but to engage in the mission that Jesus gave us in Matthew 28:19-20:
"Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you. And behold, I am with you always, to the end of the age.”
With that being said, if you are a Christian and you already go to a church - we kindly ask that you don't come to our church, but stay at your church and continue to serve there.
You can read about our heart behind such a statement here: THC's Policy for Accepting Christians
If you are not a Christian or if you don't attend a church. We would love to have you! Our church is for people like you. Those who are wondering if there is a God. Those curious about Christianity. Those who know they need God and church and currently don't have a church. Those who know they need a loving family surrounding them. If that's you... we would love to have you!
Here's a little bit of info about our church:
We are a multi-ethnic church here in Rowland Heights, CA. Our worship service is contemporary in style and our dress code is casual. We do offer a Toddlers & Elementary Ministry, but you are more than welcome to keep your children in the adult service. Our mission is to connect with people like you and plug you into one of our House Churches that gather on Friday evenings.
House Church is our primary way of reaching newcomers and growing in relationship with members! For more information about House Church, click here!
If you have any questions about our church, you can email us at
- Members of The Home Church <3
- Members of The Home Church <3