All Serving Teams



This flow chart was created to provide a visual for how our church and ministries are organized/structured.

Hoping that this provides structure and clarity for our members!

Each week we have ELEVEN ministries/teams that are serving behind the scenes to not only serve the younger generation, but also allow for the Sunday services to run smoothly and effectively.

Below, you will find a list of the ministries with their serving members, expectations, and commitment level.

If you have any questions or interests, please contact Pastor Mitchell Perez at

1. Elementary Ministry - Delia Perez

The Home Church Children’s Ministry is a Bible based learning experience. We sing worship, pray, practice memory verses, learn Bible stories, do crafts pertaining to the story and eat snacks also story related. We want Sundays to be about Jesus and his love for the children. We’re growing every year and looking forward to all the newest THC youngest VIP’s!
Current Teachers:

  1. Delia Perez
  2. Papa Mitchell Perez
  3. Ariella Hernandez 
  4. Alexis Kauv
  5. Kelly Kao
  6. Paul Kim

2. Welcome Team – Adinai Lee

This team arrives early to church at 1pm to make sure the sanctuary is organized and ready for THC Sunday worship service – this includes putting up the welcome table, banners, communion, etc. Before service begins, we also pray for Pastor Mitchell and the service.

As the Welcome Team, we desire that all THC members, visitors, or newcomers receive a warm welcome and truly feel the love of God from the moment they set foot on church ground to the moment they leave. Our goal, especially, is to make sure that any new Sunday visitors get connected by filling out a connection card. Welcoming includes greeting each individual as they walk into church service, passing out connection cards, and getting to know newcomers even after service ends.

Current Members:

  1. Adinai Lee
  2. Tim Horton
  3. Shelby Horton

3. Finance Team

Members of the Finance Team works closely with The Home Church Office and are responsible for the counting, recording, and safekeeping of Sunday offerings and other event donations. In addition, this team works with ministry finances, creates our church’s annual budget, and works towards the continual growth of our church through finances. 
Current Members:

  1. Chris Lee
  2. Lucas Kao
  3. Andrew Shim
  4. Steven Lee

4. Media Team - Esther Park

Media Team strives to serve THC by making sure each church service runs smoothly. Members of the THC Media Team will help with coordinating the PowerPoint display for every Sunday service. This involves coming early to set up worship and sermon slides, working the PowerPoint during the service, and shutting down after everything is finished. 
Current Members:

  1. Esther Park
  2. John Ko
  3. Joon Chang

5. Worship Team - Kevin Park

The Worship Ministry is the perfect place for you to use your gifts in music to serve the Church and God. Aligning our music with our hearts for Christ, we are used by God to lead His people into worship every Sunday. Bring a heart of worship and a heart to learn, and serve in this awesome ministry!  
Current Members:

  1. Abraham Park
  2. Rachel Park
  3. Kelly Pak
  4. Kevin Park
  5. Kristin Choi
  6. Paul Kim
  7. Sean Kim

6. Snack Team – Jason Chen

Consists of providing refreshments/light snacks post-service which plays a part in creating fellowship and relationships between THC members, VIPs and others.

Expectations: have the snacks ready after service, buy enough yummy snacks to serve, have an idea of when people are done with snacks so that it can be cleaned up (trashed or put in storage), and stay within the budget given for that month.
Current Members: 
  1. Chelsea Price
  2. Jason Chen

7. Sound Team - Steven Lee

The sound team is responsible for ensuring the quality of sound for anyone on stage; including the message, worship, testimonies, announcements, and etc. The sound team works in the back of each service, recording the testimonies and messages. 
Current Members:

  1. Jason Lee
  2. Steven Lee
  3. Jeff Chang

8. Events Team

This team plans all church events like: Commitment Celebrations, Holiday Services, Mother's Day/Father's Day, Easter, and etc.
They work within our church budget to plan events for our church that provide opportunities for fellowship as we gather together as a church family to celebrate different things.
Current Members: 
  1. Hanna Kim
  2. Hyewon Park
  3. Kristin Choi
  4. Shelby Horton

9. Re-Gathering Protocol Team

With the changing circumstances of COVID-19, this team creates the in-person gathering safety protocols for our church. This team is comprised of trusted individuals and health professionals who thoroughly research the current state of COVID-19 and implement the necessary safety measures to keep our church safe to the best of their knowledge.
Current Members:

  1. Chris Lee
  2. Cynthia Gomez
  3. Dan Park
  4. Delia Perez
  5. Eileen Kou
  6. Esther Lee
  7. Pastor Mitchell Perez

10. Toddlers/Pre-K Ministry – Joan Lim

The Toddlers’ Ministry was created since the number of our Toddler THC community has been growing and is expected to continue to grow over the next few years! We are learning how to teach these little babies about Jesus’ love through the way that we love each other and pour into them as well.
We’re always looking for more members to step up and join our ministry, both parents and non-parents :)
Current Members: 
  1. Elaina Perez
  2. Esther Lee
  3. Joan Lim

11. Cleaning Team – Danny Han

Current Members: 
  1. Hyewon Park
  2. Jemini Park
  3. Shelby Horton